Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Worker Bee Thousand

I am busy with stuff.

Here is a list of that stuff.

In the words of the great Arthur Dent, "I seem to be having this tremendous difficulty with my lifestyle." For someone seeking full-time employment (or, as I've come to say, "going in-house somewhere"), I am seriously, seriously busy.

First: this Saturday, May 23, the second monthly Resonator Magazine live music showcase in Manhattan takes form of: RESrawk!

All the info is here, the facebook event (complete with sheep-drinking-from-water-fountain flyer) is here, and my interview with Elizabeth Elkins, of Ghost of Summer Suns & The Swear, is here .

Then: Book Expo America, and the BEA Tweetup. Info's here.

Finally, I'm involved in the 140 Character Conference on Twitter.

OH WAIT-one last thing (like Steve Jobs says):

"Just Working On My Novel"

this is why i have not written a thousand words on tori amos. yet.

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